Addiction Commonality

Alcohol, Opiates, Fat and Sugar are all Addictive Substances: this blog is about that "addiction sameness".

Butter Pig Family

* A butter sculpture of a sow and her piglets

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Addicted to Distraction: Psychological Consequences of the Modern Mass Media Book

Addicted To Distraction

Addicted to Distraction: Psychological Consequences of the Modern Mass Media

The Media just grows and grows, and progressively takes-over control of all the functionally useful social systems from politics to religion, from education to the arts.Yet the Mass Media is a system ... Google Books

Originally published: July 2, 2014

Author: Bruce Charlton 

Addicted to Distraction - Psychological consequences of the Mass Media by Bruce G Charlton - available online

My most recent book is now available online, complete - 26,000 worda approximately.

If you want to read it, I recommend you copy, paste, maybe edit - then print out.